197 Apartments Approved at San Leandro Tech Campus

By SLNext
In Uncategorized
Jul 20th, 2017

On July 17th, 2017, San Leandro City Council approved developer Westlake Urban‘s construction of a seven-story mixed-use residential building, including 13,000 square feet of office on the ground floor and 197 units of multi-family residences. The development sits on the 3.13 acre southern portion of the San Leandro Tech Campus (SLTC), between Parrott and Thornton Streets. The development received its approval from the Planning Commission on June 15, 2017, and earned a write-up in the East Bay Times on July 14th.

This development lies in close proximity to the San Leandro BART station, as seen in the image above, and was designated as a Transit-Oriented Mixed Use Development in the award-winning 2035 General Plan. The purpose of this designation is to provide for a mix of high-intensity land uses that capitalize on the proximity to the BART station.

In further detail, the project includes 42 studios, 114 one-bedroom and 41 two-bedroom apartments for rent, along with  13,000 square feet of commercial space. Residents will also be able to enjoy outdoor courtyards and a roof deck.

Westlake Urban’s investment in this multi-family building, along with the first two office buildings, the parking garage, the plaza and Truth is Beauty exceeds $150 million. Work on the residential portion is anticipated to begin in the Spring of 2018 and expected to take two years to complete.

On Thursday, July 27, the San Leandro Improvement Association and Westlake Urban will host the third Truth Thursdays event at the SLTC. This free event celebrates the 55-foot Truth is Beauty sculpture, brings a selection of excellent Food Trucks as well as local beer and wine, and provides live music for an all-round family-friendly evening.  The event runs from 5 PM until 9 PM. Parking is available at the SLTC parking garage on Parrott Street, accessible from San Leandro Boulevard.

San Leandro Tech Campus Site Plan

11 Responses to “197 Apartments Approved at San Leandro Tech Campus”

  1. Diana Zevallos says:

    Please let me know the procedure to apply for one of the two or one bedroom apartments

  2. Ethelyn Gloria says:

    I want to inquire on 1 of the Studio; when and where to apply. Thanks

  3. Clark Kent says:

    good luck with the bart noise and the crime associated with having a “quick getaway” via bart.

    • James Kuenzi for City Council says:

      Actually we don’t really have that many empty storefronts .
      However I will agree that we need more variety in food and services.
      So with more people closer to downtown comes the reason that better and more variety of these will follow.
      Maybe some of the low-end Used Car lots will start to disappear off of E. 14th.
      And maybe another park could appear to satisfy the need to get out of apartments.
      Little Siempre Verde is already overwhelmed with folks that don’t even live in San Leandro.

      Let me conclude with this wish repeated;
      This plan is great if San Leandro assures all of this density some new variety in FOOD and SERVICES and at least ONE MORE PARK in proximity to all these people that will live there, at the new Alta Marea and that will potentially work at this huge office complex.

  4. Robert says:

    More space down below the units..really?? Dont we have enough empty storefronts in San Leandro/

  5. Plavoy says:

    Why can’t the city fix these darn worn out bumpy streets before they approve huge projects? Out streets are in dire need of repaving, Especially on Juana Ave between Bancroft and Grand Ave. The streets can’t handle anymore traffic!

  6. Eve says:

    What is the 1/2 bedrooms lease / rent ?

  7. Andy Nguyen says:

    The city should improve the school system.

  8. […] Class A office space to the Downtown area. Westlake Urban also received approval for its proposed 197-unit residential development, which will be located to the south of the Tech Campus. Overall investment in this project will […]

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