Bay Fair Transit Oriented Development: Community Workshop on October 18

By SLNext
In Uncategorized
Oct 11th, 2017

The City is hosting a community workshop to receive public comments on the recently released Draft Bay Fair Transit-Oriented Development Specific Plan and related Environmental Impact Report (EIR).  The workshop will be held on Wednesday, October 18, from 6:00 – 8:00 PM at the Senior Community Center, located at 13909 E. 14th Street.  

The Bay Fair Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Specific Plan creates a 20-year vision to transform the Bay Fair BART Station area into a vibrant and sustainable mixed use community.  Funded by a $440,000 grant from the Metropolitan Transportation Commission, the City has worked with the planning firm Raimi & Associates, Madison Marquette, BART, Alameda County, property owners and community members on the project.

The draft TOD Plan contains ideas and policies to improve the half-mile area around the Bay Fair BART station over time by providing new housing opportunities, a modernized shopping experience, and improved pedestrian and bike access.  The plan also recommends guidelines for new development, implementation actions, and financing strategies.

To view the Draft Plan and EIR, please visit the Bay Fair TOD Plan website.


3 Responses to “Bay Fair Transit Oriented Development: Community Workshop on October 18”

  1. Fei says:

    The links to the plans don’t work.

  2. Jimbo says:

    That’s great! However, are there any plans to update area around the San Leandro BART station? I was just there a couple of days ago and the area could use some help.

  3. Lorraine Guillen says:

    I live at the Hesperian trailer park on Hesperian a trailer. Are we going to get wiped out. Would be nice to be told.

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