BRT Construction Underway – Businesses Still Open
AC Transit’s innovative East Bay Rapid Transit (BRT) Project is underway along East 14th and Davis Streets in San Leandro. The BRT project will provide fast, frequent and reliable transit service between 20th Street in downtown Oakland and San Leandro BART, primarily along International Blvd. and E. 14th Street. By coming every 7 minutes for much of the day, BRT will bring better transit to one of the East Bay’s most diverse corridors through a combination of dedicated transit lanes, level boarding, prepayment and other features that have led this technology to be described as “light rail on wheels.”
BRT construction has been underway in San Leandro since the beginning of the year. The first phase of work has focused on preparation of the street infrastructure for the service, including construction of new curb ramps and traffic signals. The next phase underway includes construction of the BRT platforms where the buses will stop.
With construction ramping up along the northern portion of East 14th Street and Davis Street, don’t forget that the businesses in the area are still open. There are many different types of businesses in the area to serve your everyday needs, including restaurants and markets, salons, dry cleaners, chiropractors, retail services, auto repair services, among many others. Though it may be harder to get to them, they continue to work hard to serve their customers and appreciate your business. Residents and visitors will see various construction equipment and cones in the area, but unless specifically noted with “No Parking” signs, patrons can still utilize curbside parking.
Please note that construction associated with AC Transit Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Project will require the following street closure and detour:
Sunnyside Drive at East 14th Street (10/25/2017 – 11/7/2017)
Cambridge Avenue at East 14th Street (11/8/2017 – 11/22/2017)
Belleview Drive at East 14th Street (11/8/2017 – 11/22/2017)
AC Transit and its contractor are committed to ensuring that you remain informed of all construction activities in your neighborhood. Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact AC Transit in one of the following ways:
Visit the BRT Information Center at 3322A International Blvd, call the Center at (510) 891-5478, or visit
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