On-Street Downtown Parking Extended to 3 Hours

By SLNext
In Uncategorized
Apr 5th, 2018

The City of San Leandro recently completed a Downtown Parking Management Plan to guide policies and regulations for parking in Downtown San Leandro. With a better understanding of parking patterns, on July 17, 2017, the City Council adopted the Downtown Parking Management Plan with a strategy to aid future land-use and economic development decisions and increase the sustainability of the Downtown area.

One of the primary recommendations of the Downtown Parking Management Plan was to facilitate the paid parking experience and allow for the use of  different types of paid parking technology including the use of mobile payment services. The City collaborated with ParkMobile to provide customers the option to pay for parking via phone (text, call, or mobile application), in addition to paying with coins at the meters. ParkMobile went live February 15, 2018 and to date has been very successful with usage increasing more than 200%, from 113 transactions in February to 343 transactions in March.

In addition, consistent with the Downtown Parking Management Plan, the City has created new time limits, standardizing all on-street stalls to 3 hours, which is an increase for many areas. This change aims to simplify the system for the customer and assure a convenient and appropriate time stay. Existing 24-minute parking restricted spaces still remain in previous locations to allow for short, quick visit access. The new time limit branding is currently divided into two zones, ZONE 1 and ZONE 2:








To achieve the objectives of parking space occupancy and turnover identified within the Downtown Parking Management Plan, one of the proposed recommendations was to develop a ‘no re-parking ordinance’ for all time-limited parking zones. The ‘no re-parking ordinance’ was adopted March 19, 2018 with the desired impact to provide available customer parking throughout our downtown community.

Drivers will be allowed to move and park in different areas during the day– but unable to re-park in the same zone past the maximum three hour time limit.  The goal is to motivate drivers to park in the Downtown Parking Garage if they need to park for longer periods than 2-3 hours.  Stay tuned for additional updates on ongoing improvements to the Downtown Parking experience throughout the year.

If you have any questions, please feel free to call (510) 577-3323 or email mgarcia@sanleandro.org.

3 Responses to “On-Street Downtown Parking Extended to 3 Hours”

  1. Annelyse says:

    I appreciate the community”s efforts to improve the efficiency and availability of existing parking within downtown Edmonds. In my six years of living here, I have never experienced a parking crisisbut I have had to walk 1-2 blocks to my destination. Merchants would be wise to remember that a 2-block walk by customers affords new exposure (compared to customers parking onsite or parking at the destination”s entrance). Edmonds may have some parking congestion at peak times, but that is a strong indicator of a vibrant and successful downtown. Economically-depressed downtowns have plenty of parking available. Parking management is important, and it is great that the community is doing just that. 9 1

  2. A. Cheryl says:

    Color coding, assigning zones, new meters, etc. does not get rid of the problem. Suggesting that people use the Estudillo location as an alternative is a great idea unless you have to carry something for a couple of blocks in the heat or inclement weather. And wonderful if you don’t have to walk alone by yourself after dusk as we all know that isn’t the safest thing to do. And if your are a senior or handicapped person it is just not feasible to try and use that location if you wish to shop at the Pelton Center location. And what about the employees who have to work in this area? They cannot park anywhere, may have walk at late hours if they work a closing shift, or have to use part of their paycheck to pay for a parking location.
    Bottom line you can charge more, extend parking hours, play musical chairs with the vehicles but you still have the same problem. There are not enough parking spaces to accommodate the traffic in this area. Pushing people further away from their desired location is not going to inspire them to want to shop. They are going to start looking for alternative places to shop or forego the experience all together.
    People re-park for a reason. Why don’t we address the issues of consumers, employees and people who live in this congested area instead of putting a different colored wrapping paper on the issue. There is NOT enough land available to add more parking. It’s like an apartment building that adds more people by going up to an area that is already challenged by parking availability…….
    I love this city and would like to see some evidence of real “city planning “ so that this small geographic location is effectively addressed. And how about spreading the wealth to encourage revitalization of other areas of this fine city.
    As us old time residents sit here together at lunch we wonder why these questions are not asked and answered.

  3. Dheraj says:

    Such a nice post man..

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