Preferred Freezer Makes $50+ Million Investment in San Leandro

By SLNext
In Uncategorized
Oct 7th, 2013
1 Comment

PreferredFreezerServiceThe development of a 247,000 square foot deep freezer by Preferred Freezer at the 15-acre former Hudson Lumber site on San Leandro Boulevard is underway. Preferred Freezer designs, constructs and operates state-of-the-art temperature controlled warehouses throughout the United States and Asia.

During construction, over 300 jobs will be created, including those for the contractors, architects, engineers, and consultants.  When the facility opens in June 2014, it will provide at least 50 quality jobs with that number increasing to 100 once fully staffed.  This is a $50 million investment, with on-going property tax revenue, and $1.2 million in one-time permit and other fees to the City.

Preferred Freezer has agreed to include artwork on the large east side of the building visible from BART.  Preferred Freezer plans to open the design of the artwork to local and regional artists, including students.  Look for more information about the call for art in early 2014.

With Preferred Freezer’s planned opening in June 2014, construction will continue at a brisk pace, including installation of footings and foundations, and erection of the structural steel and tilt walls.  To date, site improvements include grading and utility work.

Check out the “Time lapse movie” button on the left side of the construction webcam page to follow the progress of construction.

This project was placed on hold in 2008 due to the recession.  The return of this project is another great sign that the economy is recovering.

One Response to “Preferred Freezer Makes $50+ Million Investment in San Leandro”

  1. bujil says:

    best your articel…

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