San Leandro Businesses Invited to Provide Inspiration for New Street Banners

By SLNext
In Uncategorized
Nov 4th, 2015
1 Comment

On September 23, 2015, Pilot City and the City partnered with ArtIsMobilUs and held a Parti Party for the general public at the Downtown Farmer’s Market. The event was received with positive response and strong engagement from the community.

At 6:00 PM on Monday, November 9, 2015, the City is hosting an hour-long meeting during which San Parti Party PostcardLeandro businesses with locations adjacent to the current street banners along East 14th and Davis Streets are invited to provide input as it pertains to the redesign of the City street banners. A Parti is the chief organizing thought or decision behind a conceptual design. With that in mind, businesses are encouraged to share ideas and contribute aesthetically or conceptually in an interactive setting. The result will serve as a palette from which the designer will draw inspiration for the final designs. Ultimately, these new designs will replace the banners currently displayed along E.14th Street and Davis Street.

The meeting will take place in Sister Cities Gallery at City Hall.


One Response to “San Leandro Businesses Invited to Provide Inspiration for New Street Banners”

  1. Leah Hall says:

    Fantastic sounding event! I understand that there is no City funding to replace and circulate seasonal street banners on Bancroft Avenue. The existing banners on Bancroft Ave. are old and faded. Many of the banner poles are empty. Will inspirational new street banners be placed in neighborhoods throughout San Leandro? For example, San Leandro Place Makers and Durant Avenue Task Force would love to see new, seasonal banners on Bancroft Avenue. Specifically, our groups are interested in promoting placemaking identity, health, exercise, walking and biking in LIVABLE NEIGHBORHOODS with COMPLETE STREETS and SLOW driving in character with the residential and commercial area. Please advise!

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