SF Business Times: SL Tech Campus Is One of “Coolest Offices in the Bay Area”

By Office of Innovation
In Uncategorized
Jul 9th, 2015

Westlake Urban’s San Leandro Tech Campus, now under construction, received a nod from the San Francisco Business Times last week as having one of the “Coolest Offices in the Bay Area”.  Holding an enviable position between San Francisco tech company offices for Prosper Marketplace and Autodesk,  SL-TC was the only named office space still under construction!  So what gives the Tech Campus its cool distinction even before the office space is finished?Truth is Beauty at SL-TC

SL-TC Cool Office Space

To see all of the “cool” office spaces identified by the San Francisco Business Times, click on this link: Cool Bay Area Offices.

And in case you missed it, we were all treated to the sight of steel beams going up at the SL-TC construction site last week.  Thanks to Lusardi Construction Company and Westlake Urban for these really spectacular aerial shots!  Construction progress can clearly be viewed from the Downtown BART station or adjacent to the site on Alvarado.

Lusardi San Leandro 7-6-15 (1)

Lusardi San Leandro 7-6-15 (2)

Lusardi San Leandro 7-6-15 (3)

Lusardi San Leandro 7-6-15 (4)

Lusardi San Leandro 7-6-15 (5)

Lusardi San Leandro 7-6-15 (6)

Lusardi San Leandro 7-6-15 (7)

Lusardi San Leandro 7-6-15 (8)

As we watch the Tech Campus grow over the next few years, it’s appropriate to pause for a moment and remember that from 1898 to 1967, this site was the location of a Del Monte cannery.  The creation of this cannery enabled local farmers to grow more crops, including cherries, apricots, peaches and other fruits that could be canned and shipped all over the world.  The building of the Tech Campus represents a significant expansion of economic opportunities for San Leandro — today instead of shipping cherries around the globe, San Leandro’s fiber optic network, Lit San Leandro, enables San Leandro businesses to ship information and data globally in seconds!

2 Responses to “SF Business Times: SL Tech Campus Is One of “Coolest Offices in the Bay Area””

  1. Marci says:

    Looking forward to welcoming this Beauty to town. How lucky we are to have enrichment through art in our daily lives.

  2. James Kuenzi says:

    Thank you City leaders for finding a way to put our San Leandro on the ” high tech” radar, with Our Fibre Optic Network and adding jobs and tax revenue while providing us locals with a source of pride in this progressive growth!

    Well done and stay the course!

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