Economic Development Strategy

Oct 26th, 2023

July 1, 2024 UPDATE: The public draft version of the San Leandro Economic Development Strategy is now available to view.

The City of San Leandro is in the process of updating its Economic Development Strategy that will:

  • Articulate a clear vision and pathway for economic development, in line with San Leandro City Council policies;
  • Assess San Leandro’s strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities for high-quality job growth and business development;
  • Organize the City’s economic development resources and efforts in the most efficient and effective way possible;
  • Develop programs to help all San Leandro businesses, including groups who historically have been underserved or faced discrimination; and
  • Expand the City’s status and visibility in the Bay Area development community.

Community Involvement / Presentations

The Strategy incorporates meaningful input and involvement from every part of the San Leandro community.

On July 8 at 7:00PM, the City Council will consider the final Draft Economic Development Strategy and the proposed steps that the City can take to achieve the community vision. You can speak to provide your support and/or comments at the Council meeting via Zoom or in person on July 8, or you can always provide written comment using the eComment link on Meeting Central. More information on participating are available at the bottom of the July 8, 2024 agenda.

Here is a summary of the final Draft Economic Development Strategy that will be reviewed by Council:

The Strategy includes several key findings about San Leandro’s economy:

  • The City has opportunities to attract innovation-based industries and to retain existing businesses with growth potential.
  • There is a significant need for upgraded infrastructure and modern industrial flex buildings.
  • The City needs to develop a more prominent image and identity within the region.
  • Development challenges include construction costs, permitting, and financing.
  • San Leandro’s shopping centers need physical improvements and offer more high-end retail options.
  • Career pathways in locally strong industries provide economic opportunities for residents.

Out of the analysis and key findings noted above, the Strategy has developed a clear Strategic Vision to guide economic development efforts, based on five components:

  • Innovation: San Leandro will become the East Bay’s premier location for innovation-based industry.
  • Quality: The City will attract more high-quality retail and transformative development opportunities – including Bay Fair, Downtown and Shoreline – to position the city for long-term economic vitality.
  • Community: The City will remain a diverse and welcoming community, with a vibrant dining and cultural scene.
  • Equity: The City will champion small business support and equitable workforce and entrepreneurship opportunities.
  • Character: Through branding, marketing, and service delivery, the City will build a strong public image and become widely recognized as a destination for creativity, technology, and production.

Based on this guiding Strategic Vision, the Strategy lays out a series of goals, strategies, and action steps. The following are the proposed goals. Additional details about strategies and actions steps to achieve these goals are included in the draft document that will be posted by July 3, 2024.

  1. Accelerate Innovation and Growth of Target Industries
  2. Support Transformative Development Opportunities
  3. Preserve Industrial Districts & Address Infrastructure Needs
  4. Attract High-Quality Retail & Support Shopping Districts
  5. Facilitate Workforce Development & Education Opportunities
  6. Support Small Businesses & Entrepreneurs

The City hosted a second Community Workshop on the San Leandro Economic Development Strategy on the evening of Wednesday, March 13, 2024 at 6pm in the Senior Community Center (13909 E. 14th Street). At this meeting, residents, businesses and community stakeholders provided feedback and helped prioritize specific strategies and programs that the City may pursue. The proposed strategies for discussion reflected data analysis and extensive feedback from the first community meeting and stakeholder meetings with businesses, property owners, entrepreneurs, and community organizations. The workshop also included a presentation by Strategic Economics.

A prior community meeting was held on Saturday, November 18, 2023 at the Boys and Girls Clubs of San Leandro and over 50 members of the community attended. The event was interactive, but also included this presentation by Strategic Economics.

In September 2023, the San Leandro City Council approved a consulting contract with Strategic Economics to develop the Strategic Plan. Click here to read the City Council staff report on the selection of Strategic Economics.

Project Schedule

Here are some important upcoming dates for the project:

November 18, 2023 (Completed)
Public Meeting – Community Workshop

January 31, 2024 (Completed)
Public Meeting – City Finance Committee

October-December 2023 (Completed)
Existing Conditions Analysis

January-March 2024 (Completed)
Development of Strategy

March 13, 2024 (Completed)
Public Meeting – Second Community Workshop
Register, Regístrese; 報名

March – June 2024 (Completed)
Additional stakeholder engagement & revisions to Strategy

May 22, 2024 (Completed)
Public Meeting – City Council Finance Committee
Presentation of Draft Goals and Strategies

July 1, 2024
Draft Strategy available for public comment
San Leandro ED Strategy Public Draft

July 8, 2024
Public Meeting – City Council Workshop
Presentation of Draft Strategy Document (Pending Agenda Release)

July-August 2024
Final Strategy produced

September 2024
Recommendation of Council approval of Final Strategy

For More Information:

Contact Economic Development staff at:
View past Strategic Documents here.


Follow this link to leave your comments on what you feel would help create an economy that benefits the entire San Leandro community.