Draft Economic Development Strategy Released

By SLNext
In Uncategorized
Jul 2nd, 2024

Innovation. Quality. Community. Equity. Character. – These words summarize the Strategic Vision for San Leandro’s Economic Development Strategy for the coming years.

After a year of analysis and community input, the draft of San Leandro’s next Economic Development Strategy will be presented for review by the City Council and Community on Monday, July 8 at 7:00pm.

The Economic Development Strategy is a working document that will guide economic development activities and support the local economy and development in the coming years. The Strategy focuses on City initiatives with the greatest potential to: grow San Leandro’s economy, expand the City’s regional image and identity, spur new investment and high-quality jobs, and improve the quality of life for residents.

The Strategy outlines following Economic Development Goals:

  1. Accelerate Innovation and Growth of Target Industries
  2. Support Transformative Development Opportunities
  3. Preserve Industrial Districts & Address Infrastructure Needs
  4. Attract High-Quality Retail & Support Shopping Districts
  5. Facilitate Workforce Development & Education Opportunities
  6. Support Small Businesses & Entrepreneurs

The document outlines specific Strategic Actions designed to attain the goals of the plan, along with timelines and performance objectives to help guide the plan toward successful implementation. Key actions include:

  • Attract key innovation-based industries for which San Leandro has a competitive advantage (food tech, clean tech, robotics, biomedical)
  • Improve San Leandro’s visibility and identity through branding and marketing
  • Support growth of the creative economy and arts districts
  • Update commercial zoning and development review processes
  • Utilize district-based planning to support upgrades to industrial infrastructure
  • Develop a Retail Action Strategy to recruit quality retail
  • Support shopping center revitalization and safety
  • Ensure workforce development programs are responsive to resident and business needs
  • Reduce barriers to entry for small businesses and expand technical assistance

The Strategy looks to build on San Leandro’s unique assets and strengths, and is based on data and market analysis, as well as community outreach. Numerous residents and businesses have provided valuable input through two community workshops, multiple stakeholder interviews, and meetings with local businesses, property owners, developers, and organizations. The team is very grateful for the active community engagement!

The Administrative Draft of the strategy is now available for review and will be presented to the City Council on July 8, 2024. Those interested may attend the meeting in person, provided live public comments via Zoom, or through the eComment link on Meeting Central.

2 Responses to “Draft Economic Development Strategy Released”

  1. […] where you can view the full Economic Development Strategy document and learn more about how the strategy was prepared. The presentation of the final Strategy can be accessed here and a recording of the City […]

  2. Leah says:

    I just read a lot of the plan, and it is exciting. The many angles and goals, the organized concise language, the outlined action steps outline timeline goals seem reasonable…and again, thoughtful. And cheers for including brand assessment–I wouldn’t mind being involved in that. (I do healthcare rebrands.). For anyone reading this, I am not affiliated with the City of SL in any way. I just had an idea today for a community enterprise and started looking at the City’s programs and information, and am genuinely impressed with the strategy guide. (but a bit disappointed that parts of the city website are outdated back to 2022). 🙂

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