San Leandro Prepares for Launch of AC Boost Home Ownership Program

By SLNext
In Uncategorized
Feb 14th, 2019

The City of San Leandro and the Bay Area Affordable Homeownership Alliance (BAAHA) are partnering to implement a comprehensive outreach, education, and counseling campaign to help prepare San Leandro renters and workforce to participate in the new and highly beneficial Alameda County home-ownership program, known as the Alameda County Boost Program (AC Boost).

Alameda County has allocated fifty five million dollars ($55,000,000) to help promote home-ownership for households who live and/or work anywhere within Alameda County. Only one person in a household is required to live or work in the County limits. AC Boost breaks its funding into two categories. Households who have combined incomes that are equal to or less than 100% of the County’s Area Median Income (AMI) will be eligible for up to a $150,000 subsidy. Households between 100% and 120% of the County’s AMI will be eligible for up to a $100,000 subsidy.  You can find which income levels fit within these categories based on household size here.

The City of San Leandro is highly motivated to help as many households as possible secure home-ownership with the assistance of the AC Boost Program. The City and BAAHA will be holding an AC Boost orientation on Thursday, February 21, 2019, 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM at the Senior Community Center, located at 13909 E. 14th Street. This workshop will supply San Leandro workforce and residents additional information on:

  • Specific features and components of the AC Boost Program
  • Resources and services that will assist and prepare San Leandro participants to apply for the AC Boost Program. These services and resources will be specifically set up to assist San Leandro residents and workforce.

To register for the orientation, visit

All AC Boost participants are required to secure home buyer education through an education provider approved by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). BAAHA is partnering with Echo Housing to provide San Leandro’s residents and workforce the HUD-approved home buyer seminar. This seminar will be held on Saturday, March 2, 2019, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM in the San Leandro Public Library Lecture Hall, located at 300 Estudillo Avenue. To register for the seminar, visit

The City and BAAHA urge that San Leandro Businesses and Civic Organizations get the word out to their employees and constituents. The AC Boost program provides a vital resource to help increase the level home-ownership in San Leandro, while increasing affordability for eligible homeowners.

For questions, and to learn more, contact the Bay Area Affordable Homeownership Alliance by email at or telephone at (800) 480-9020 ext. 227.  To learn more online, visit

6 Responses to “San Leandro Prepares for Launch of AC Boost Home Ownership Program”

  1. Linda Ewing says:

    Good Afternoon,I Live in Oakland.Must we live in San Leandro in order to participate in this program?

    • SLNext says:

      You must live or work in San Leandro to participate in the San Leandro orientation and seminar, but the AC Boost program itself is countywide. If you neither work nor live in San Leandro, please contact the County to see about how to apply.

  2. Linda Ewing says:

    Must we reside in San Leandro in order to participate in this program?

    • SLNext says:

      You must live or work in San Leandro to participate in the San Leandro orientation and seminar, but the AC Boost program itself is countywide. If you neither work nor live in San Leandro, please contact the County to see about how to apply.

  3. Angela Marshall says:

    Can these funds be layered with the CalHFA Mortgage Credit Certificate program? or any other program?

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