AC Transit Update – AC Go Brings More Frequent Bus Service; BRT Wraps Installed

By SLNext
In Uncategorized
Jul 6th, 2018
1 Comment

On June 17, AC Transit rolled out the third phase of its AC Go initiative, bringing simpler and more frequent bus service to residents and employees in San Leandro.  In San Leandro, the AC Go initiative increases the frequency of all routes to 30 minutes or better, with routes along Davis Street and MacArthur Boulevard increasing to 15 minutes or better.  The initiative adds new weekend service to all routes and lengthens the service day.  It also changes some routes, breaking loops into easy-to-understand lines and adding a new crosstown service along Estudillo Ave. and Davis Sts.  See below for a map of the new weekday bus network and click HERE to view AC Transit’s presentation to the City Council on May 21, 2018.

Construction also continues on AC Transit’s BRT project.  This includes work on sidewalks, curbs, station platforms and street paving.  But don’t let that keep you away from your neighborhood businesses – they are open during construction!

The San Leandro platforms are the first to be completed along the 9.5-mile BRT route, but the platform furnishings will not be installed until just before bus service begins in late 2019.  In an effort to beautify the area during the interim period, the City of San Leandro and AC Transit have partnered together to install decorative wraps on the station fences.  Four station platforms have been completed so far, and work is underway on the remaining three.

The artwork for the wraps follows the theme (and utilizes the same artists) as the permanent artwork that will be installed on the platform when the stations are complete. The permanent artwork was developed through a public process by artists Johanna Poethig, Mildred Howard, Peter Richards and Joyce Hsu.  The theme of art throughout the BRT corridor is “Cultural Corridor/Urban Flow.” San Leandro stations will have enhanced art, integrating words of a poem that extends along the entire route, as well as images of birds, dahlias and other flowers.

The goal of the BRT service is to improve accessibility, increase arrival frequency, streamline the boarding process, and automate traffic signal patterns for optimal bus scheduling. Additionally, improved lighting, state-of-the-art camera systems, and high visibility crosswalks will also improve safety for riders.

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