Alameda County Shelter-in-Place Update: City to Offer Streamlined Process for Outdoor Operations

By SLNext
In Uncategorized
Jun 17th, 2020

This post was updated on Thursday, June 18, 2020 at 6:23PM.

On June 19, 2020, the Alameda County Public Health Officer plans to further relax shelter-in-place restrictions by permitting the reopening of outdoor restaurant dining, indoor/outdoor retail, outdoor fitness classes, outdoor museums, and religious services, subject to health and safety requirements.  See below for more details on the order and details for businesses planning to reopen.

Ahead of upcoming changes to the Alameda County Shelter-in-Place Order, and in conjunction with the Chamber’s Keeping it Local Campaign, the City of San Leandro has developed a streamlined, no-cost outdoor facilities process to assist impacted businesses reopen quickly and in conformance with Alameda County regulations.  The COVID-19 Relief Temporary Outdoor Facilities Program outlines the parameters by which restaurants and food providers, retailers and other outdoor activities permitted by Alameda County Public Health may operate in San Leandro.

Through this initiative, the City of San Leandro is streamlining the process by which businesses can use outdoor space as they begin to reopen.   In order to provide outdoor facilities, businesses need to register with the City of San Leandro, certify that they will comply with applicable city, county and state health and safety requirements, and provide business insurance information.  Submittal of detailed site plans and materials details will not be required.  Recognizing the needs and limitations of businesses and the temporary nature of the outdoor activities, efforts have been made to keep the program as simple and low-cost as possible.

UPDATE: Final details for the program are now available.  For full details of the program, including the registration form, operational guidelines, visit the COVID-19 Temporary Outdoor Facility Registration Program web page.

Planning for Reopening during Shelter-in-Place

The upcoming updates to the Alameda County Shelter-in-Place order are in keeping with the newly released Alameda County Reopening Plan, which outlines the order in which the County expects to loosen restrictions by business or activity type.  Alameda County expects to continue loosening restrictions going forward every 2-4 weeks based on their health and safety indicators.

In alignment with the state’s guidance, indoor and outdoor retail and outdoor dining will be allowed at reduced capacity to ensure that physical distancing and safety plans are in place. Residents and businesses are still strongly encouraged to continue to focus primarily on pick-up and delivery options to limit line formation and crowding.  Outdoor fitness and outdoor museums will also be permitted per state guidelines (see below).

Similarly, based on state guidance, limited religious services will be permitted to resume for up to 100 people, or less than 25 percent building capacity, whichever is lower. Faith partners are strongly encouraged to continue virtual services, especially for their high-risk congregants, and to limit attendance to 25 people and provide services outdoors.

All businesses operating during the shelter-in-place, whether indoors or outdoors, need to develop and comply with a Site-Specific Protection Plan (template provided through this link) and implement risk assessment and individual control measures, physical distancing, disinfecting and cleaning protocols, and employee training to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

Additional guidance for operating procedures for businesses by type may be found in the California Statewide Industry Guidance.  Guidance for a number of industries is provided, including for restaurants, retail, shopping centers, fitness, and places of worship.

Additional local guidance to supplement that state guidance will be available prior to June 19th at the Alameda County Public Health’s Covid Recovery page.  Restaurants will also need to comply with any requirements of  Alameda County Department of Environmental Health (which are currently being finalized)

Employers are advised to implement COVID-19 health screenings before staff enter a facility to start their workday, and employees must complete a self-assessment to ensure they do not go to work sick or during their infectious period after being exposed to or diagnosed with COVID-19. Employers play an important role in slowing the spread of COVID-19 and should support their employees in staying home if sick, and should not require a negative test result or doctor’s note to return to work if ordered to isolate or quarantine under the County’s blanket Isolation/Quarantine order.

The Health Department reminds all residents planning to participate in the newly authorized activities that we are still in the first wave of the pandemic. The virus that causes COVID-19 is highly infectious and it is critical that we take precautions to protect people who are at high risk for health complications or working in settings that expose them to more people. Residents should continue to limit contact with people outside their Social Bubble, maintain physical distance, and wear face coverings.

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