Bay Fair Transit-Oriented Development Specific Plan Adopted
On February 20, 2018, the San Leandro City Council adopted the Bay Fair Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Specific Plan (Plan), which underwent a broad public planning process over the past two years. The Plan reflects the community’s long-term vision for a vibrant and sustainable, higher density, mixed use “transit village” in proximity to the Bay Fair BART Station to be implemented over the course of the next 20 years. The Plan covers issues such as allowable land uses, zoning recommendations, housing (market rate and affordable), anti-displacement, multi-modal street improvements for pedestrians, bicyclists and vehicles, and infrastructure, as well as standards and guidelines for future development projects.
The Plan was funded by a $440,000 grant from the Metropolitan Transportation Commission as well as matching funds from the City and project partners BART, Alameda County, Madison Marquette, owner of Bay Fair Center. The Plan is the culmination of participatory efforts from residents, local property and business owners, community organizations, public agencies, City staff and a Community Advisory Committee (CAC) comprised of 21 diverse community members, including four from unincorporated Alameda County. The City also established a Technical Advisory Committee (TAC), consisting of staff from the City’s Planning Services division and Engineering & Transportation department, AC Transit, Alameda County Planning & Flood Control, Alameda County Transportation Commission, Association of Bay Area Governments, BART, Caltrans, and Madison Marquette.
Among the desired outcomes of the Bay Fair TOD Specific Plan is a heightened pedestrian experience through a more walkable environment, more public and park space, and improved pedestrian/bicycle connections. Community goals also include improved public safety, compatibility with adjacent neighborhoods, community facilities, a diversity of uses, efficient and shared parking, a prominent local and regional destination, and environmental sustainability.
The Plan represents the final planning component for the City’s East 14th Street corridor that includes the 2004 East 14th Street South Area Development Strategy and 2007 Downtown TOD Strategy, and connects to Alameda County TOD planning efforts to the south in Ashland, Cherryland, and Eden Area. By adopting the Plan, the City will also be eligible for future public funding opportunities (e.g. infrastructure) from federal, State, and regional agencies that target and prioritize TOD areas.
The Plan contains recommended short-term (2017-19), medium-term (2019-25) and ongoing implementation actions. Some key short-term next steps include amending the Zoning Code and General Plan based on the plan recommendations, establishing and convening a roundtable of key landowners in the Plan Area and creating a partnership with BART and Alameda County to address ongoing concerns related to traffic, parking, and public safety.
What does all this mean, when the BRT doesn’t even go through downtown,to Bayfair, but turns and goes to SL Bart?
[…] regulations for the Bay Fair area and bring the Zoning Code into compliance with the adopted Bay Fair Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Specific Plan (Specific Plan). The adoption of Zoning is a critical step in implementing the 2018 Specific Plan […]