Boost Your Business With One of the City’s Incentive Programs

By SLNext
In Uncategorized
Oct 26th, 2016


In an effort to stimulate economic growth through retention and expansion of existing businesses, the City of San Leandro provides financial assistance in the form of forgivable loans to eligible San Leandro businesses. This Business Incentive program was established to help local businesses to improve their curbside image, remain competitive, and increase the efficiency of their operations.  This program is a unique opportunity for San Leandro businesses to seek financial assistance for projects that advance community goals.  Since 2001, the incentive program has provided over one million dollars in assistance to over 50 local businesses.  Available incentives include:

Commercial Facade Improvement Program

The City of San Leandro maintains two programs aimed at commercial façade improvement: the Commercial Rehabilitation Program and the Awning Sign and Paint Program. These programs serve to stimulate investment and improve the exterior appearance of businesses in order to make commercial districts more attractive.  The Awning, Sign and Paint Program provides forgivable loans of up to $10,000 in matching funds and the Commercial Rehabilitation Program provide forgivable loans of up to $50,000 in matching funds. Projects are required to go above and beyond normal maintenance work to significantly contribute to improving the appearance of a business.

Before and After

Bancroft Uniforms, located at 590 Dutton Avenue, participated in the Facade Improvement program in 2016.

Design Assistance Program

Design Sample

Design Assistance Sample

The Design Assistance Program offers architectural and technical assistance to property owners and tenants of business located in the City of San Leandro that are performing exterior façade work. The program pays for preliminary architectural drawings by a licensed firm. This amount, usually $3,000-$5,000, includes conceptual design drawings, color and material studies and cost estimates for the project.

Energy Efficiency Program

To advance policy objectives related to business assistance and greenhouse gas emissions reductions, the City of San Leandro has initiated an Energy Efficiency Program to facilitate energy efficiency improvements at commercial and industrial facilities. The program offers matching funds up to $50,000.  


21st Amendment participated in the Craft Brewery Incentive program in 2015.

Craft Brewery Program

This program is designed to attract small breweries, wineries, and distilleries to the San Leandro industrial zoning districts based on the priority areas outlined in the Next Generation Workplace District Study. The Program is intended to support the ongoing development of the San Leandro Craft Beer cluster and the revitalization of the industrial areas more generally.  The program offers matching funds up to $25,000.

Projects are considered for the incentive programs on a “first come, first served basis” and based upon available funding.  Priority is given to projects that best meet the goals of each program, including location of the project, contribution to other positive actions in the area, building/site utilization, entrepreneurial business activity, and design.  Details on the types of improvements eligible for matching funds are outlined for each program.

Business owners interested in learning more about the Business Incentive program can go to or call Katie Bowman in the Community Development Department, at 510-577-3327.

3 Responses to “Boost Your Business With One of the City’s Incentive Programs”

  1. David says:

    Hi there Mrs. Bowman,
    Please if you could explain the business starters who are new to it and mainly break down incentive program ???
    Thank you….!!!

    • David says:

      Will the city be able to help out as far finances go or you have to reside in San Leandro to get in on the benefits with the funds or grants. Please make it know for me and the ones that don’t understand

  2. […] some assistance from the City’s business incentive programs, Original Mel’s Diner is investing $450,000 in remodeling and improving the restaurant, with […]

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