Bridge Housing Celebrates Grand Opening of Marea Alta and Groundbreaking of Next Phase
On Wednesday, May 17, 2017 Bridge Housing hosted the Grand Opening of Marea Alta, the 115-unit affordable housing development located at 1400 San Leandro Boulevard. The event concurrently served as the groundbreaking for the second phase, which will bring 85 senior affordable housing units ito Downtown San Leandro.
This highly anticipated development has gained a great deal of attention over the last couple of years, most recently via articles by the Registry SF and the San Francisco Chronicle highlighting it as one of the largest modular affordable housing developments in California. Marea Alta provides 245 underground parking spaces for BART patrons, as well as a forthcoming child care center and small retail space.
For more information about Marea Alta, please visit the Marea Alta webpage.
I can’t find any mention of HOW the underground BART parking is set up. Prices, entry points, etc.
[…] 2017 Bridge Housing completed modular construction of its 115 units of affordable housing at 1400 San Leandro Boulevard, named Marea Alta. Later in the year, work commenced on La Vereda, […]
[…] affordable housing project in Downtown San Leandro in recent years, following completion of the Marea Alta/La Vereda project, which brought 200 affordable housing units targeted to families and seniors to […]