Centro Callan Mixed-Use Project Breaks Ground in Downtown San Leandro

By SLNext
In Featured
Sep 29th, 2022

On Tuesday, September 27, 2022, Mayor Pauline Russo Cutter, Vice Mayor Pete Ballew, councilmembers Deborah Cox, Corina Lopez, and Bryan Azevedo, along with City staff joined with the San Leandro Chamber of Commerce, the Downtown San Leandro Community Benefit District, and developers Martin Group and Sansome Pacific to celebrate the groundbreaking for the long-awaited Centro Callan mixed-use project at 1188 E. 14th Street.

The location was identified as a strategic opportunity site around 15 years ago in San Leandro’s Transit Oriented Development Strategy. Sansome Pacific was chosen as the developer for the site, with plans to build nearly 200 residential units atop ground floor retail. In 2020, Sansome Pacific partnered with the Martin Group, who became the lead developer and obtained entitlements and building permits.

Martin Group’s plan includes 197 residential units, two levels of parking, ground floor retail, and a specialty grocer.  The building will include a mix of studio, one-, two- and three-bedroom units, along with 10 affordable units constructed and a contribution of over $400,000 to the City’s Affordable Housing Trust Fund.

Demolition of the old structures took place in August, and the site is now being prepared for undergrounding, infrastructure, and vertical construction. During construction, a covered pedestrian path on E. 14th will be open and there will be periodic closures of adjacent streets and pedestrian paths during both demolition and construction to ensure the public’s safety. Information about construction contacts is available onsite for questions or concerns.

7 Responses to “Centro Callan Mixed-Use Project Breaks Ground in Downtown San Leandro”

  1. Andrew John Rikli says:

    Huge congrats to the city of SL and to the project team for getting this project off the ground! There is so much development opportunity around, and San Leandro is leveraging it.

  2. Marisela says:

    When will applications be available for these apartments?

    • SLNext says:

      San Leandro Next is a blog that reports on innovation and economic development news in San Leandro. These projects have not yet been built. We will likely publish additional stories when construction is underway, or completed.

  3. […] Justin Osler shared the story of Centro Callan – the new housing and retail project that recently broke ground at 1188 E. 14th Street. With nearly 200 units of housing and retail on the ground floor (including a Sprouts Farmers […]

  4. […] story shines spotlights on Martin Group’s Centro Callan project, which broke ground in September 2022, as well as Beam Development’s Town Hall Square project across the street, expected to enter […]

  5. […] Downtown, which will support transit, retailers and service providers and complement the mixed-use Centro Callan development under construction across E. 14th […]

  6. Diti Nguyen says:

    Centro Callan – 100 Callan Ave, San Leandro, CA
    Hi ,
    Where and when I can sign up for this affordable housing

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