Cleaner Energy Coming to San Leandro Businesses – Webinar on April 3!

By SLNext
In Uncategorized
Apr 2nd, 2018


In 2016, San Leandro joined ten other cities in Alameda County and the County of Alameda to establish East Bay Community Energy Authority (EBCE), a joint powers authority whose primary purpose is to supply electricity that will reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.  In June 2018, EBCE will begin serving non-residential customers (municipal, industrial and commercial accounts) and will serve residential accounts in November 2018.  The EBCE product offering will include Bright Choice, which will be a minimum of 85% carbon free electricity, and Brilliant 100, which will be 100% carbon free.

Based on City Council comments during the February 20, 2018 update from EBCE, City staff plans to enroll all City of San Leandro municipal electric accounts in the Brilliant 100 electricity product to achieve timely GHG reductions for city operations.  Staff will work with EBCE to reach out to commercial and industrial businesses to “opt up” on a voluntary basis to the Brilliant 100 electricity product. Businesses not interesting in the service must opt out prior to the roll-out. Current PG&E customers will receive at least four notices with information on customization of the service, as well as how to opt out.

EBCE works in partnership with PG&E to deliver reliable electricity under the same tariff structure and billing system but at lower rates and higher clean energy content. The Bright Choice option costs 1.5% less than PG&E’s generation rates, inclusive of utility exit fees, and the Brilliant 100 option costs the same as PG&E, inclusive of utility exit fees.

EBCE has made available a Business Toolkit that provides detailed program information, and is also hosting a lunch-time webinar on April 3rd at noon. Additionally, EBCE welcomes businesses to schedule conference calls or meetings in order to learn more.

2 Responses to “Cleaner Energy Coming to San Leandro Businesses – Webinar on April 3!”

  1. Rivkah says:

    Shell”s proposal relies on outdated data from older reports of the notoriously conservative IPCC , extremely lowball estimates on GHG emissions (many of which will be from soils and waters, not anthropogenic) and sea level rise, and a dependence on non existent technology to remove carbon from the atmosphere. We do not have 50 or 70 years to reduce our emissions to zero if we want to stay at or below 2C global temperature increase.. We have about 5. Energypost has introduced this piece from Shell as a technically possible but challenging pathway “. Have you not read the multiple critiques of this proposal from experts in the field? It is held in unanimous disregard. You might have mentioned that instead of leaving it up to commenters. Kinda makes ya wonder, EP?

  2. […] carbon free electricity, and Brilliant 100, which will be 100% carbon free.  As mentioned in a previous post, the City of San Leandro plans to enroll all municipal electric accounts in the Brilliant 100 […]

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