Employer Update – COVID-19 Workplace Standards

By SLNext
In Uncategorized
Jun 23rd, 2021

On June 17, Cal/OSHA, the Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board for the State of California, approved revised California workplace requirements (COVID-19 Prevention Emergency Temporary Standards (ETS)). These changes were made in conjunction with California moving ‘Beyond the Blueprint‘, fully reopening the economy and lifting most public COVID-19 restrictions on June 15.

These updated workplace regulations are in line with the state’s latest COVID-19 public health guidance, which takes into account current levels of COVID-19 and vaccination rates. The updates include changes to face coverings and physical distancing requirements.

Key requirements in updated workplace regulations:

  • Employers should continue to have a written COVID-19 Prevention Program
  • Fully vaccinated employees are not required to wear face coverings indoors or outdoors
  • Not fully vaccinated employees are required to wear face masks indoors, but not outdoors
  • Employers must have approved respirators available for employees (includes N95 masks)
  • All employees and patrons may continue to wear masks if they like, and shall be protected from retaliation and discrimination
  • Employers required to document employee’s vaccination status, may require proof or allow employees to self-certify
  • Physical distancing and barriers not required for employees, regardless of vaccination status (except during major outbreak)
  • Employers must evaluate ventilation systems to maximize outdoor air and increase filtrations efficiency, and evaluate the use of additional air cleaning systems
  • Employers should continue to screen employees for COVID-19 symptoms
  • Employers should continue to offer testing after potential exposures.
  • Employers should continue to support and allow sick employees to isolate themselves and quarantine if necessary, (California Supplemental Paid Sick Leave)
  • Employers should continue to track COVID-19 cases and report outbreaks via the California Department of Public Health Shared Portal for Outbreak Tracking (SPOT).
  • Businesses may continue to require patrons wear a mask; or require that they provide proof of vaccination, or self-certify their vaccination in order to not wear a mask.
  • NOTE – not a comprehensive list of requirements. For full details, view Cal/OSHA ETS.

Businesses can learn more in Cal/OSHA’s Frequently Asked Questions, see a handy powerpoint overview in the Alameda County Public Health’s Employer Update, or by attending upcoming Cal/OSHA webinars on June 25, June 29, and July 1. Employers can also contact the Cal/OSHA Oakland District Office at DOSHOAK@dir.ca.gov or 510-622-2916 with questions. Information is available in multiple languages.

We want to hear from you! Tell us how your business has been impacted by COVID-19 to help shape City programs going forward, and be entered for a chance to win a Visa gift card! Complete the COVID-19 Business Recovery Survey by July 2, 2021.

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