Energy Recovery Inc. Is Nominated for 2016 East Bay Innovation Awards!

By Office of Innovation
In Uncategorized
Jan 21st, 2016

Energy Recovery Inc. LogoThe East Bay Economic Development Alliance has announced finalists for the 2016 East Bay Innovation Awards – and once again, the City of San Leandro is represented proudly by one of our successful manufacturing innovators!

This year, Energy Recovery Inc. has been nominated in the category of Engineering and Design for its award-winning, industry-leading  energy recovery devices for oil and gas, chemical and water industries globally.  This San Leandro advanced manufacturing company was founded in Virginia in 1992 by Norway native Leif Hauge.  Leif was  inspired by the challenge of pumping water from a fjord to his brother’s vegetable farm to design and build an energy exchanger for water desalination plants.  Following a successful IPO in 2008, ERI has expanded globally from its San Leandro headquarters to include offices in Madrid, Spain; Dubai, United Arab Emirates; Shanghai, China.

Today, the company manufactures and sells a variety of energy exchange products across several industries, all designed to extract energy from pressurized fluid flows.  In particular, the company has pioneered technologies that make desalination economically viable and environmentally sustainable.  According to the company website, 15,000 installations on 6 continents have resulted in plants that produce more than 3 billion gallons of clean water every day and save more than $1.4 billion annually on their energy expenses.  Good news for a world thirsty for new, reliable supplies of freshwater!

Joel Gay, ERI CEOCongratulations to Energy Recovery Inc.; its Executive Team headed by Joel Gay, President and CEO; and the entire staff of ERI for its corporate success and its mission of energy innovation.  San Leandro is also fortunate that the company is an engaged corporate community member, having hosted the launch of the Founders Circle at its headquarters in December!

If you are interested in participating in this prestigious East Bay Innovation Awards event at the Fox Theater, Uptown Oakland, on February 25th, click here for more information.

For more information on San Leandro’s 2015 East Bay Innovation Award nominees and winner, click here.

ERI Fluid Flows Illustration





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