Give Feedback on the Draft Climate Action Plan!

By SLNext
In Uncategorized
May 26th, 2021

After months of work, the City has developed draft goals and strategies for its 2021 Climate Action Plan update and is ready with the Public Review Draft. You can download the documents below and give feedback on the draft through this survey, which is open through May 31. The draft will be presented to Planning Commission at 7 PM on Thursday June 3 and after their recommendation, will head to City Council on Monday July 19.  

The City of San Leandro, along with experts around the world, recognizes the urgency of the climate crisis and recommends taking bold climate action that prioritizes equity and well-being of frontline communities, and helps San Leandro become more resilient.

The Climate Action Plan (CAP) works to address the environmental effects of climate change through mitigation strategies to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and adaptation strategies to respond to the effects of climate change. In addition to information on existing and projected greenhouse gas emissions, the 2021 CAP includes a climate vulnerability assessment, GHG reduction strategies, climate adaptation strategies, and an implementation work plan.

Significant outreach was done in over 150 small group or one-on-one meetings with faith organizations, labor, parent groups, youth, businesses, developers, indigenous leaders, elders, and community based organizations over 1.5 years for the planning phase. This included two online surveys and two public workshops. 

Mitigation Strategies to address the causes of climate change and reduce greenhouse gas emissions are organized into 12 categories:

  • Building electrification (BE)
  • Residential energy efficiency (RF)
  • Commercial energy efficiency (CF)
  • Municipal renewable energy and energy efficiency (ME)
  • Renewable energy (RE)
  • Reducing auto dependency (AD)
  • Active and alternative transportation (AT)
  • Transportation electrification and low-carbon fuels (TE)
  • Waste management (WM)
  • Waste reduction and reuse (WR)
  • Water efficiency (WE)
  • Equity and just transition (EJ)

Adaptation Strategies to respond to the impacts of climate change fall into six categories:

  • public health and safety
  • resilient development
  • resilient infrastructure
  • biological and cultural resources
  • hazardous conditions preparation and response
  • future CAP updates

Following the adoption of the 2021 Climate Action Plan, the City will begin considering specific programs and policy changes to meet the plan’s goals, which may include changes to regulations and permitted activities to address the significant effects of climate change.

Residents and businesses are encouraged to follow the links below to learn more and provide feedback.

San Leandro 2021 Climate Action Plan Public Review Draft

Addendum to San Leandro 2035 General Plan for the 2021 Climate Action Plan

Community Survey

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