‘Keeping it Local’ Social Media Campaign and Contest

NOTE: In light of the stay-at-home order effective Dec 7, 2020 through Jan 4, 2021, this campaign is being extended until further notice. In anticipation of the holidays, the City of San Leandro has launched a social media contest to support the San Leandro Chamber of Commerce’s Keeping it Local SL campaign to encourage the community to spend local dollars at local businesses. Residents are encouraged to shop local – whether it be online, pickup, or in person – and to share their experience on social media for a chance to win a prize!
Shopping local stimulates the local economy, builds a closer community, reduces environmental impact, provides funding for local services, and supports a unique and diverse local culture. For every $100 spent on a local business, studies show that up to $68 dollars remains in the local economy. The COVID-19 pandemic and important protective measures have had a big impact on our businesses. We can all work together to support them.

The campaign is simple – when you frequent or order from a local business, post a photo of yourself on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram (or all three!), tag the business and San Leandro Next, and use the hashtags #KeepItLocalSL or #DineOutSL (social media handles below). Also, make sure your post is public!
This is a great way to support your favorite San Leandro businesses and help them through these tough times, and you can win a prize too! The people with the most shared individual post, and the highest number of total posts, will receive a $100 gift card.
Though current case numbers have shifted the County to a more restrictive tier of permitted operations, customers may still order for delivery or pickup from their favorite businesses, and can dine outside at many of their favorite restaurants. If you do go out to shop, be sure to exercise safe social distancing, wear a mask, and follow the businesses’ own safety guidelines.
Start now! The winners will be announced in 2021, once the stay-at-home order has been lifted and outdoor services have resumed.
San Leandro Next handles:
@SLNext (Twitter)
@sanleandronext (Facebook & Instagram)
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