Mayor Cutter joins Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf to speak on “A Year of Action on Broadband”

By Office of Innovation
In Uncategorized
Jan 29th, 2015
1 Comment

EBBC logoPauline CutterOn Tuesday, February 3rd, Mayor Pauline Cutter will join four East Bay Mayors to present the developing story of San Leandro’s leadership in co-creating the East Bay’s first municipal broadband network, Lit San Leandro, in partnership with Dr. Patrick Kennedy.   The Mayoral panel discussion will launch “A Year of Action” at the East Bay Broadband Consortium Summit and will include:

  • The Honorable Pauline Cutter, Mayor of San Leandro
  • The Honorable Libby Schaaf, Mayor of Oakland
  • The Honorable Robert Taylor, Mayor of Brentwood
  • The Honorable Elizabeth Patterson, Mayor of Benicia
  • Chaired by the Honorable Mark Friedman, Mayor of El Cerrito

Maintaining a competitive edge will require all cities globally to invest in building connections to the 21st century fiber optic superhighway. Like power, water, rail, highways, and sewers built in previous centuries, fiber optic infrastructure is time-consuming to plan for and expensive to build.  The Mayors will be asked to discuss:

  • what their cities are doing to encourage improved broadband infrastructure
  • what legislative changes at the state or local level would help cities to promote broadband
  • potential use of newly legislated Infrastructure Financing Districts to build broadband networks
  • provide examples of successful public/private partnerships in their cities

The conference agenda will also include a panel of internet providers (Comcast, Sonic, AT&T, chaired by Youth Radio), a report by the EBBC and an “Important Announcement”.

There is no cost to participate.  If you would like to participate, please click here to register.


The East Bay Broadband Consortium

The East Bay Broadband Consortium (EBBC) is a regional initiative to improve broadband deployment, access, and adoption in Alameda, Contra Costa and Solano Counties through a collaborative regional approach.

EBBC has two primary initiatives – the East Bay Broadband Infrastructure Initiative, which focuses on improving regional broadband infrastructure, and the East Bay Connects Digital Inclusion Initiative, assisting people to bridge the Digital Divide and acquire low-cost broadband and a free computer, training, and tech support.

EBBC is led by a steering committee of Contra Costa Economic Partnership, the East Bay Community Foundation, the East Bay Economic Development Alliance, and the Solano Economic Development Corporation. The Consortium receives primary funding from the California Public Utilities Commission and support from the East Bay Community Foundation, the Lesher Foundation and the California Emerging Technology Fund.


One Response to “Mayor Cutter joins Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf to speak on “A Year of Action on Broadband””

  1. […] and Lit San Leandro were literally on center stage speaking to a packed room at yesterday’s 2015 East Bay Broadband Summit.  Mayor Cutter and the Mayors of Oakland and Brentwood, moderated by the Mayor of El Cerrito, […]

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