Outdoor Personal Services Permitted Starting Friday August 28th

By SLNext
In Uncategorized
Aug 26th, 2020
1 Comment

Starting Friday, August 28th, certain personal services will be permitted in Alameda County, including hair salons, barbers, and nail salons, as well as outdoor pools.  In San Leandro, these businesses can register to operate outdoors through the simple Temporary Outdoor Facilities Registration Program.

On Friday, August 21, 2020, the Alameda County Public Health Officer announced the upcoming relaxations of restrictions on outdoor activity. The revised order allows for the reopening of outdoor pools as well as outdoor hair salons, nail salons, barbershops, waxing services, skin care and non-medical massages. These revisions exclude services that may require a client to remove their face covering, chemical hair treatments and shampooing, as well as eyebrow threading and waxing and eyelash treatments. Tattoos, piercings and electrolysis are not allowed to operate indoors or outdoors in alignment with the State of California’s Health Officer Orders issued on July 13th.

Additionally, wineries in Alameda County can now offer outdoor tastings by appointment without needing to provide food. In alignment with the State’s Orders, this change does not apply to bars, breweries, pubs or brewpubs.

City of San Leandro Staff has amended the Temporary Outdoor Facility Registration process to include these new uses and those interested in resuming business outdoors can find the registration form and City guidelines HERE. Questions about this program should be directed to covid19biz@sanleandro.org.

Business should review Alameda County guidance for operation of outdoor personal services, outdoor pools, and other industries and businesses that have reopened during the COVID-19 pandemic in Appendix C of the Shelter-in-Place Order. They should also review industry specific guidance from the State of California for outdoor hair salons and barbershop and outdoor personal services.  The California Department of Consumer Affairs also provides guidance on outdoor operations, including the types of services that hair salons and barbers can provide.  Before reopening, all businesses must complete a Site-Specific Protection Plan and put into place protocols and procedures to protect customers and employees from COVID-19.

It is critical for residents and business owners to remember that the COVID-19 pandemic is far from over. Alameda County is taking a step forward in its reopening plan, but hospitalizations and daily case numbers remain high.

“These outdoor activities we are allowing to reopen are relatively low risk, but whenever we increase opportunities for people to mix, we see an increase in cases,” said Dr. Nicholas Moss, Alameda County’s Interim Health Officer. “Simple actions— wearing a face covering, washing your hands often, and staying six
feet away from people outside your home—protect everyone. As we continue to experience poor air quality, there is no better time to stay home as much as possible.”

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