PTG Linen: a Sustainability Success Story

By SLNext
In Uncategorized
Feb 11th, 2022

PTG Linen, a San Leandro-based linen service business, has completed a major upgrade with the installation of a water recycling system, reducing their water and energy costs by 80%. To implement the project, the company worked with, a local Bay Area business delivering energy and water efficiency retrofits. Leveraging PG&E and the East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD) financing, the $150,000 project has paid for itself via On Bill Financing in less than 3 years.

PTG Linen sought to install a water recycling system. Given the company’s high water consumption patterns, the potential cost savings from reducing water use was significant. The company worked with, using a “pay for performance” model, where upfront costs are covered by the energy and water savings realized through the retrofits.

After performing an energy and water efficiency audit, they found opportunities to reduce the amount of natural gas used to heat water. It was also determined that an AquaRecycle water recycling system had the potential to save a large volume of water while reducing operational costs. This specialized AquaRecycle system is one of about 100 such systems in the world.

Installing this new system was not affordable without some kind of financing for PTG Linen, a small business with limited resources. helped them to first reach out to private lenders, but they could not find a fit for this type of upgrade. They then were able to connect with PG&E and EBMUD to participate in their customized incentive and energy-efficient financing programs. The combination of these programs enabled PTG Linen to finally make the water recycling upgrade.

From November 2018 installation through August 2021, PTG Linen has realized: 

  • a cumulative savings of $258,874 
  • reduced water usage by 12,837,778 gallons of water 
  • reduced wastewater discharge by 11,554,000 gallons 
  • reduced usage 101,020 therms of natural gas 
  • reduced emissions by 606.12 megatons of CO2 
  • reduced discharge of total organic carbon to sewage systems by 5,777 pounds

Cost savings provided resiliency to PTG Linen through the pandemic. PTG Linen’s parent company is now looking into additional efficiency upgrades, such as installing a solar-thermal roofing system. “That little bit of savings does help cover wages for staff” says Facility Manager Daniel Navarro.

Read the complete case study for further details.  Businesses interested in learning about resources available to help implement cost-saving sustainability measures can contact the San Leandro Sustainability Office at

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