San Leandro Biz UrbanBloc Earns Award for Waste Reduction & Reuse

By SLNext
In Uncategorized
May 30th, 2019

Shawn Wienckowski (left) and Martha Trela (middle) from UrbanBloc, with District 1 Councilwoman Deborah Cox (right).

At a recognition event last week, StopWaste acknowledged the recipients of the 2019 StopWaste Business Efficiency Awards, given for outstanding achievements in waste reduction. The winners—six companies from around Alameda County—represent a wide range of industries and were selected for their leadership in waste prevention, reuse, and composting. Among them was UrbanBloc, who began its manufacturing at Gate510 in San Leandro in 2014 and moved to its dedicated facility at 2350 Alvarado Street in 2016.

When steel shipping containers reach the end of their useful life moving goods, UrbanBloc can upcycle them to create energy efficient commercial buildings. Since January 2018, UrbanBloc has upcycled 15 shipping containers for uses ranging from ice cream and coffee shops to full kitchens for food service. Using modular designs, energy-efficient and recycled building materials whenever possible, less than 20 cubic yards of waste are generated at their San Leandro facility per year.

StopWaste Executive Director Wendy Sommer praised the award winners for their achievements. “These industry leaders show that taking voluntary actions to reduce waste can both be good for business and help our communities become more resilient to climate change.”

StopWaste helps Alameda County’s businesses, residents, and schools waste less, recycle properly, and use water, energy, and other resources efficiently. StopWaste is a public agency governed by the Alameda County Waste Management Authority, the Alameda County Source Reduction and Recycling Board, and the Energy Council.


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