San Leandro Businesses: Complete the East Bay Business Recovery Survey

By SLNext
In Uncategorized
Apr 22nd, 2020
1 Comment

Calling all San Leandro businesses – please complete the East Bay Business Recovery Survey!  Your input is needed so that the City of San Leandro and East Bay Economic Development Alliance may better allocate resources and develop programs based on the impacts that your business is feeling from the COVID-19 pandemic.

The City of San Leandro and the East Bay EDA are dedicated to serving as a resource to support economic relief and recovery as our region continues to grapple with COVID-19.  We ask for help from business owners and leaders in our region in gathering crucial information about various impacts to your business so that we can effectively advocate for resources that can address your most important needs.  The East Bay EDA partnered with the Alameda County Workforce Development BoardWorkforce Development Board of Contra Costa County, local cities and Chambers of Commerce to develop and implement a regional survey. Your participation will help the region effectively plan recovery efforts and advocate for high priority needs. Please take a moment to fill out the survey.

While the impacts from COVID-19 continue to unfold, the East Bay Economic Development Alliance  continues to serve as a regional voice and resource to support economic resiliency during these uncertain times. We know that this crisis will disproportionately impact our region’s most vulnerable populations and that the unfolding economic disruption is already hitting small business owners and workers who need to sustain basic needs like food, housing, and healthcare.  As the Bay Area continues to respond to this public health emergency, we remain committed to providing forums and venues to share promising practices, resources, and tools that can help us all.

For a list of current available resources and news, check out EBEDA’s comprehensive guide by visiting For any questions about this survey or other information, please contact the EBEDA at

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