San Leandro Joins Regional Partnership to Launch Startup In Residence 2016

By Office of Innovation
In Uncategorized
Feb 17th, 2016
1 Comment

Startup-in-Residence-impression3-amsterdam-roodThe City of San Leandro is seeking startup companies that are interested in working with City departments to help solve civic challenges using new technology tools. Following the successful launch of San Francisco’s 2014 Startup in Residence (STiR) Program, the City of San Leandro accepted an invitation from San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee’s Office of Innovation to join San Francisco, Oakland, and West Sacramento in an expansion of the program.

Startup in Residence will connect entrepreneurs directly with City of San Leandro departments to achieve several goals:

  1. Build or refine the desired product in 16 weeks;
  2. Develop new relationships as part of this unique regional collaboration;
  3. Join a robust training program that includes mentors and ambassadors;
  4. Pitch the resulting product at upcoming Demo Days in all cities, plus a “best of” SF Regional Showcase; and
  5. Explore a potential contract at the end of the demonstration period for successful products.

The invitation to apply to STiR opened on January 28, 2016 and originally was expected to close February 18, 2016.  However, due to the overwhelming response to this invitation, the application deadline is likely to be extended, so please check back to the program website for updates.   The program kickoff is projected to take place in March 2016.

Entrepreneurs accepted into the program will have the opportunity to work with San Leandro City departments to solve one of the following challenges:

  • The IT Department seeks an easy-to-use software tool to standardize and simplify the department’s budgeting and performance monitoring.
  • The Recreation & Human Services Department is in need of a user ID card and related software application that creates an easy-to-understand visual analysis of user service and program statistics for RHS supervisors and project managers.
  • The City also welcomes the opportunity to consider technology-based solutions to local challenges not identified in the 2016 STiR program guidelines.

The opportunity for collaboration between the four cities was made possible through San Francisco’s successful application for a three-year grant from the U.S. Department of Commerce – Economic Development Administration (EDA). Applications to apply for the 2016 STiR Challenge are available HERE.  For more information on identified program challenges and the application process, please contact Deborah Acosta, Chief Innovation Officer, at or (510) 577-3353.

One Response to “San Leandro Joins Regional Partnership to Launch Startup In Residence 2016”

  1. […] February 2016, we announced the City of San Leandro’s participation in the 2016 San Francisco Regional Startup’s in […]

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