San Leandro ranked in Top 10 Cities to Live in the Bay Area

By SLNext
In Featured
Mar 31st, 2022

In a March 18th San Francisco Chronicle article listing Bay Area communities with the best quality of life, San Leandro was recognized with a 7th Place ranking. San Leandro demonstrated top rankings in diversity, number of libraries per resident, number of food retailers, walkability, airport proximity, and home affordability.

The Chronicle compared the area’s 25 largest cities based on data for 11 measurable quality of life elements: bars, bikeability, diversity, airport proximity, food retailers, libraries, movie theaters, park and open space proximity, commute distance, transit, and walkability.

The overall ranking was determined by individually measuring each category, then calculating an average across all 11 categories. Based on this, Alameda earned the top ranking with an average rank of 6.2, and San Leandro came in the 7th spot with an average rank of 8.9.

San Leandro scored highest in airport proximity, where it shared the top spot with San Jose and Santa Clara. The next highest ranking San Leandro earned was number 2 for libraries per 10,000 residents. San Leandro has four public library branches, in addition to the History Museum and community meeting rooms, with active community, literacy and historic programming. You can learn more about their great programs by signing up for their newsletter, checking them out on social media, by visiting, and of course by stopping by your local branch.

The Cherry City earned a 4th ranking for number of food retailers per 10,000 residents, behind Pleasanton, Santa Clara, and Alameda. The community also earned a 5th ranking for diversity, as measured by the US Census’ diversity index, with Vallejo topping the list. In walkability, San Leandro ranked 8th, with San Francisco topping the list. San Leandro is proud of it’s many diverse food options and Downtown San Leandro is a great place to experience all of these food, diversity and walkability qualities together!

The Chronicle also compared this data to the affordability of housing, where the community also ranked well. San Leandro is one of ten cities where the median home sale price is under $1 million.

For more details, read the full article online. (May require a subscription.)

6 Responses to “San Leandro ranked in Top 10 Cities to Live in the Bay Area”

  1. Clark Kent says:

    The only thing bad about my city is the proximity to Oakland. The “people of oakland” are the ones making the DRO look bad and dangerous.

    • Bruce wayne says:

      Imagine naming yourself after super man and being afraid of people from Oakland. Feel free to move to Antioch ya racist

    • Rachel Schiffer says:

      Dude! You’re absolutely right! I live close to the Marina and my neighbourhood is amazing! With respectful, kind people; but then on the weekends people from Oakland come with their loud music, crappy loud cars causing chaos is horrible. How is that racist when it’s just facts?

  2. […] the congestion and high cost of living, San Leandro is a great alternative. San Leandro was voted one of the top ten cities to live in the Bay Area in 2022, and even when people were leaving San Francisco en masse in 2020, they were still […]

  3. Kelvin Brown says:

    my opinion about San Leandro is not true. San Leandro have the worst people here I’m friendly and on top of it the worst businesses come on folks start telling the truth

  4. Kelvin Brown says:

    my mistake on the first topic. again the city of San Leandro it’s one of the worst city I had ever live the people here is so unfriendly and selfishness the businesses here in San Leandro is so far worse to shop in stores or supermarket or go to a restaurant deal with folks such bad dealing those with bad attitude and lack of respect at these businesses you don’t have to take my word look on Yelp I’ll make my case. can’t wait to leave this awful City of San Leandro.

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