San Leandro’s INX Digital Remains a Leader in Sustainable Ink Products

By SLNext
In Uncategorized
Nov 13th, 2013
1 Comment

INX1INX Digital is a San Leandro based company which manufactures customized inks for high-resolution digital printing. It was spun off in 2002 from Triangle Coatings, a paint and coatings manufacturer founded in Berkeley in 1932 which had moved its manufacturing plant to San Leandro in 1984. INX Digital has begun to garner more and more attention as a leader in this industry, recently headlining multiple international conferences and expos over the last year. In offering support  for new, advanced digital printers and assistance with software, electronics and maintenance, they employ highly trained engineers, chemists and industrial designers in a refurbished factory complex on Williams Street. This company  has a deep rooted history in utilizing sustainability practices and green technology, and has recently expanded its line of cutting edge ink products, which are based on an alternative eco-solvent ink.  Their mission is to include sustainable practices throughout the design, manufacturing and disposal processes  while facilitating their customers’ shift into the digital age.

INX2San Leandro is proud to have such an innovative and forward-thinking advanced manufacturing firm based in our industrial area.

One Response to “San Leandro’s INX Digital Remains a Leader in Sustainable Ink Products”

  1. Love the program and don’t know why I don’t get this news direct. We thought we had signed up, if not put us on the list. Thank you.

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