Shoreline Development Informational Meeting on January 28
The community is invited to an informational community meeting that will provide an update on the status of planning efforts for the Monarch Bay Shoreline Development Project. The meeting will take place on January 28, 2020 from 7:00 – 8:30 PM at the Marina Community Center, Titan Auditorium, 15301 Wicks Boulevard.
City staff, as well as developer Cal-Coast Companies will provide an update on the Shoreline Project, including information on project history, current proposal, and next steps.
The Monarch Bay Shoreline Development Project is a proposed development along the northern portion of the San Leandro shoreline, which has a vision to create a regional destination that connects the community with the Bay and provides enhanced recreational and community amenities. The current project proposal includes:
- 220-room hotel
- 5,000 square foot hotel restaurant
- 7,500 square foot restaurant / banquet facility
- 152 single family residences
- 48 town home residences
- 285 multi-family apartment residences
- New, 2,500 square foot Mulford-Marina Branch Library
- Reconfiguration of Marina 9-hole executive Golf Course
- Enhanced recreational amenities to include:
- Extensive park and plaza areas, including a new park at Mulford Point
- Pedestrian promenade and Bay Trail connections along shoreline and throughout development
- Bike lanes
- Boat launch area
Cal-Coast was selected as the master developer for the shoreline in 2008 and has been working with staff and the community for more than a decade. The project has evolved over time, including relocation of proposed buildings from the outer shoreline area, elimination of an office component, and enhancement of the planned community park space. The current concept for the Shoreline was developed in 2017, following feedback from regional agencies and further project and market analysis. Since then, the City has been working with the developer to finalize terms and agreements for the project. The upcoming round of project review focuses on the arrangement between the developer and City, including defining the project scope, delineating the developer and City’s responsibilities, and drafting leases and other documents outlining the way in which the property may be developed and utilized over time.
The City Council will receive a presentation on the project status at its meeting on January 21st at 7:00 PM at City Hall, which the public may attend to learn more about the project. It is also anticipated that there will be Planning Commission and City Council hearings in February to consider City agreements associated with the project and proposed amendments to the General Plan Land Use Map and Zoning Map for the Shoreline area.
Input from the community has been highly valuable in getting the project to this point. Following these foundational steps, there will be another round of public meetings and project review, focusing on the design details for the project, including site plan reviews, architectural design review, and park programming and design. Despite numerous hurdles along the way, the project is now closer to a shovel in the ground than ever before.
For more information on the shoreline development, visit the City’s Shoreline Development Project web page.
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