Shoreline Project Work Sessions for Project Entitlements

By SLNext
In Uncategorized
Mar 3rd, 2022

The San Leandro community is  invited to join at upcoming Planning Commission and City Council Work Sessions on the Planning Entitlements for the Monarch Bay Shoreline Development Project!  

Rendering of the apartment housing.
Rendering of the apartment housing.

The Monarch Bay Shoreline Development Project is a 75-acre planned development along the northern portion of the San Leandro shoreline, which has a vision to create a regional destination that connects the community with the Bay and provides enhanced recreational and community amenities.  The public-private partnership with Cal-Coast Companies is planned to include up to 500 new housing units for families and individuals of varying incomes, a hotel, restaurants, small retail space, new open space and an extension of the San Francisco Bay Trail.

Upcoming Meetings Include:

Rendering of hotel and restaurant.
Rendering of hotel and restaurant.

Work Sessions:  The Planning Commission/Board of Zoning Adjustments and City Council will receive updates and hold work sessions on the planning entitlements for the Monarch Bay Shoreline Development, including information on site plans and design details for the new hotel, housing, restaurant and market.  Note: These meetings are to provide an overview of the planned private elements. Additional public meetings and outreach for the new park and other public amenities will come soon!

Rendering of market.
Rendering of the market

Meetings will be held virtually. Information about upcoming public meetings may be found at Shoreline Development | San Leandro, CA. The community may join via computer, tablet or phone.  Contact Economic Development Manager, Katie Bowman, with questions at or 510-577-3327.

Site plan of Shoreline Development.
Shoreline Project General Site Plan – Note – park details are conceptual and subject to change

4 Responses to “Shoreline Project Work Sessions for Project Entitlements”

  1. Robert V says:

    Let’s get this done the City of San Leandro. This will be a great asset for our community.

  2. andrew says:

    When will the project start?

  3. […] strategic development projects and oversees real property disposition at key sites including the Monarch Bay Shoreline Development Project, and the Centro Callan and Town Hall Square development sites in the heart of downtown San Leandro, […]

  4. Brian says:

    I honestly hate to see our Marina get developed on. For so many years its been that one hidden jewel in san leandro for us residence to get away and slow down the pace of life. Mulford Point specifically has been the place to be to sit in your car with friends or a date etc. and catch pretty views of the water and have a good time free of charge.

    Hurts my heart to see it go. A lot of memories.

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