South San Leandro Update

By SLNext
In Uncategorized
Jun 30th, 2014
1 Comment

Earlier this month, the City Council received an update on investment and development activity in the City’s South Area, loosely defined as the East 14th Street corridor from Estabrook Street to the Bayfair area. Activities in this part of San Leandro are guided by the South Area Development Strategy, adopted in 2004. Overall, City staff estimates that over $150 million has been invested in the South Area in the past several years.

Click here to see the full presentation.

A few of the highlighted improvements include:

New Retailers:

  • Macy'sAutoZone and Grocery Outlet opened at previously under-utilized properties.
  • BevMo! has opened at Fashion Faire Center.
  • Extensive improvements at Bayfair were highlighted by a major renovation (and lease extension) for Macy’s.


  • East 14th St MediansNew landscaping and medians were installed on East 14th Street between 136th and 144th Avenues.
  • Utilities were undergrounded on East 14th Street south of 150th Avenue.

Public and Medical Facilities:

  • Senior Community CenterThanks to a multi-agency partnership, an agreement was approved to keep San Leandro Hospital open.
  • The Senior Community Center was completed in 2010.
  • The Korematsu 9th Grade Academy transformed a former used car lot into a world class educational facility.
  • A partnership between the City and the San Leandro Unified School District has enabled the conversion of the former Girls, Inc. building into a Student Health and Wellness Center.

Affordable Housing:Estabrook Place

  • A former used car lot was repurposed for the construction of 50 attractive senior housing units at Estabrook Place.
  • The blighted Islander Motel was transformed into Casa Verde, with 67 affordable units.

What’s next? In addition to these completed projects, plans are in place for more improvements in the coming years:

  • Additional undergrounding of utilities north of 150th Avenue.
  • Traffic improvements and a gateway monument at the intersection of East 14th, Hesperian, and 150th Avenue.
  • The City, in partnership with BART, Madison Marquette, and Alameda County, was awarded a grant by MTC for $440,000 to prepare a transit-oriented development plan for the Bayfair area. This plan will guide the implementation high-density, transit friendly development well into the future.

One Response to “South San Leandro Update”

  1. rrc says:

    Are there any plans of incorperating Ashland into San Leandro?

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