Shoreline Park Public Meetings Begin July 6th

By SLNext
In Uncategorized
Jun 29th, 2022
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An exciting development is in the works along the San Leandro Shoreline – a new 9-acre public park!

In addition to the new housing, hotel, restaurants, and public improvements that were approved last week as a part of the Shoreline project, the City is planning a new park.

We want to hear your thoughts on the new San Leandro Shoreline park! What are your favorite features of the proposed new park? How would you use the park?

We invite you to attend any of the community meetings to answer these and other questions, provide input on potential interpretive signage and design details in the park, and learn more about the project in general.

The current park design embraces a natural feel with multiple green spaces – including a reflection lookout, natural habitat enhancements designed to encourage wildlife inhabitation and the planting of native trees and flora. The existing Bay Trail would extend into the park with separate bike and pedestrian paths. Another envisioned feature is a boat launch, allowing water access via motorboat, kayak, or canoe. Importantly, this park is intended to help fulfill an overall mission to create a self-supporting shoreline and the design will be resistant to climate change and rising sea levels.

Whether you plan to power through your personal workout routine on a crisp bayside morning, enjoy an afternoon picnic on a grassy hill or simply take in the Bay Area’s natural beauty while on a leisurely evening walk, the new park will offer something for the entire San Leandro community.

Community Meeting Schedule

Wednesday, July 6, 2022 – 2:00PM-3:30PMSan Leandro Senior Community Center13909 E. 14th Street
Saturday, July 9, 2022 – 2:00PM-3:30PMSan Leandro Main Library – Karp Room300 Estudillo Avenue
Wednesday, July 13, 2022 – 7:00PM-8:30PMMarina Community Center15301 Wicks Boulevard

There will be three meetings in order to accommodate the schedules of all San Leandro community members. Each meeting will follow the same format, so if one of the dates or times doesn’t work for you, just choose from the other two options.  If you can’t make it to any of the meetings, you can still submit your comments in the Comments section of the Shoreline Park web page.

In addition to these community meetings, members of the project team will be hosting small pop-up events in June and July across the city, including at the San Leandro Farmers’ Market on Wednesday afternoons. These pop-ups are another way for you to provide input and review, so watch for one in your neighborhood!

Community Flyer in multiple languages:

English – San Leandro Shoreline Park Community Meeting
Spanish – San Leandro Shoreline Park Reunión Comunitaria
Tagalog – San Leandro Shoreline Park Pagpupulong ng Komunidad
Vietnamese – Công Viên Ven Biển San Leandro Cuộc Họp Cộng Đồng
Traditional Chinese – 聖利安卓海岸線公園社區會議

If you’d like to learn more about the larger development project in the Monarch Bay Shoreline area please visit

2022-04-12 Park Concept

4 Responses to “Shoreline Park Public Meetings Begin July 6th”

  1. Sarah Bailey says:

    You need to indicate on the map where exactly the park is meant to be located. People are asking.

    • SLNext says:

      If you click on the image it will enlarge, and it should become clear where the improvements are happening. I hope that helps.

  2. Robert Vergara says:

    I am always excited to hear about new parks. Thank you! Also I want to put a plug in for a neighborhood to bay trail networks . The Washington Manor/Bon Air neighbor hoods have existing canals with roads along the canals that can easily be converted to trail making the bay shoreline accessible by bike , walking and other mobility means from these neighborhood which is a significant portion of the cities population .

  3. Robert Vergara says:

    I am always excited to hear about new parks. Thank you! Also I want to put a plug in for a neighborhood to bay trail networks . The Washington Manor/Bon Air neighbor hoods have existing canals with roads along the canals that can easily be converted to trail making the bay shoreline accessible by bike , walking and other mobility means from these neighborhood which is a significant portion of the cities population . ..

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