Shoreline Development Reaches New Milestone

By SLNext
In Featured
Jun 24th, 2022
Shoreline Project

The Monarch Bay Shoreline Development Project has taken a major step towards transformation of the northern portion of the San Leandro waterfront. On Tuesday, June 21, 2022, the San Leandro City Council approved entitlements and agreements for the project. The long-awaited Monarch Bay Shoreline Development Project will bring close to 500 housing units, a new hotel, a new library, restaurants, a remodeled nine-hole golf course, and a nine-acre park with water activities to the shoreline area.

For over a decade, Cal-Coast Development has been working hand-in-hand with the community, City Council, and staff to bring the community’s waterfront vision to fruition. “The project represents the largest mixed-use and public-private partnership in the city’s history,” says Katie Bowman, San Leandro’s Economic Development Manager.

Located along the northern portion of San Leandro’s shoreline, the private elements approved include a new 210-room hotel, restaurant/banquet facility, market/café/retail space, 285-apartments, 144 detached single-family homes, 62 townhomes, and related site improvements.

Cal-Coast Development worked with BDE Architecture to design the commercial and multi-family buildings, highlighting modern design and expansive views of the Bay as its primary aesthetic. In addition to the hotel, a two-story restaurant and banquet space complete with a rooftop deck will be next door, ready for patrons seeking a local destination for weddings and gatherings.

The project also brings much-needed housing opportunities to the inner Bay Area. A 285-unit multi-family building will be located along the shore, offering indoor/outdoor areas, work and gathering space, and local transport connections. KTGY Architecture designed a 206-home neighborhood along Monarch Bay Drive, delivering highly-desired single-family units and townhomes. Directly adjacent, a golf course by renowned golf design firm Pascuzzo Pate will feature nine holes inspired by famous courses across the world.

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The project’s wide range of public amenities will include a new 9-acre park and Bay Trail extension with protected bike lanes and pedestrian paths. A new Mulford-Marina Branch Library will more than double the size of its existing branch neighboring the Monarch butterfly nesting grounds.

Longevity and resiliency are ingrained in the project, with everything from the hotel to the park designed to take sea-level rise into account. The hotel and multi-family buildings feature LEED certification, electric HVAC equipment and appliances, electric vehicle charging infrastructure, and improved shuttle service to the area. The housing developments include a mix of market-rate and workforce housing to address regional housing shortages and accommodate the growth of the city’s employment sector.

A Development Agreement (DA) was prepared to address further details of the project, including Developer and City responsibilities, phasing considerations, and fees. The DA builds on the Disposition and Development Agreement (DDA) with Cal Coast Companies LLC, Inc. that was approved by the City Council in February 2020.  The Dispositiona nd Development Agreement was approved to be amended to facilitate the timely transfer of property, provide further detail on the project phasing and schedule, and ensure that site preparation, public improvements, and the development overall are performed in a continuous and coordinated manner.

The next step in the project is planning of the city-led community park, with community meetings to be held on July 6th and July 13th

It is anticipated that land will be sold and leased by the end of 2022, with technical designs, permitting, and site preparation to begin in 2023.

For more information on the project, visit and

Shoreline Milestones

8 Responses to “Shoreline Development Reaches New Milestone”

  1. Tianna says:

    When will homes be for sale?

  2. Angelika Morte says:

    I have lived near the Marina for 36 years and this is all I ever hear about.
    Would love to see it in my lifetime.
    I’ll believe it when I see it.

  3. […] addition to the new housing, hotel, restaurants, and public improvements that were approved last week as a part of the Shoreline project, the City is planning a new […]

  4. B says:

    Monarch Drive was home to many many many days and nights sitting in that parking lot looking at the water trying to gain control of my mental and deal with some heavy depression. Before my Aunt passed away it was her favorite place to be as well. We did a memorial and release of Doves for her in that back parking lot along the water before they put those barriers up. I know nothing last forever but its going to be sad seeing the old school monarch go away. It was the getaway for most San Leandro and East Oakland young life in my time growing up to laugh and get away from the non sense. Now all I see it being is a new space for new demographic to look at me crazy when I try to go over there once this is all built. Sad reality but it is what it is I guess. RIP the old school Marina. Thank you for keeping me sane over these many moons.

  5. Jeremey Howlett says:

    That looks nice, I think the person creating the master plan should walk around Washington D.C and look at all the new building facades, get some ideas, and if possible use as little stucco as possible in the designing of our buildings in the bay area. I think it would be great if there was a big marina for all the people that will be buying boats this decade, and I’m not really liking all the housing Crammed into the golf course area. Personally a low rise multi family building would be nicer and take up less of a footprint. There could be ground floor restaurant and retail with a nice walking path setback from the street with a large planting space separating the street and sidewalks.

  6. rick says:

    well it would of been nice i heard its a dead project now not going to happen ,or if it does it will be 2035

  7. John says:

    No more Housing…., Hotel, restaurants and Recreation…No more Housing…

  8. Lou Charles says:

    Is this going to happen or is it another dream?

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